
A tutorial on how to run PhysIKA on windows 10.

How to build physika in windows environment

This page tells you how to build physika, including installation and basic configuration.

Install Cmake

  1. Download the latest version of cmake executable file(Click Here to download cmake executable file).
  2. Double click to install directly.

Install Cuda 11.0

  1. Download cuda11.0(Click Here to download cuda11.0 executable file)

  2. Double click to install directly.

  3. Open the command line and enter the nvcc -V command. The following message appears, indicating that the installation is successful.

Install Visual Studio 2017

  1. Download Visual Studio 2017(Click Here to download visual studio 2017 executable file)

  2. The community version of visual studio is free. It is recommended to install the community edition.

  3. Choose what you need to install.

Install PhysiKA

  1. pull the latest version of the Physika project by directly using git clone.

    git clone
    cd PhysIKA
    git submodule update --init --recursive`
    git checkout -b dev
    git pull origin dev
  2. Use cmake to compile and generate the corresponding project.

  3. Configure to set up Visual Studio 2017 and 64-bit. Before that, make sure you install python3.7、cuda11.0 and Visual Studio 2017.

  4. After generation, such a folder will be generated. Open with visual studio 2017 sln file.

  5. Run the project under the example folder. You will see the following results.